Category: WordPress

  • WordPress Adds Emoji 13.1 Support

    WordPress Adds Emoji 13.1 Support

    WordPress 5.8 will add Emoji 13.1 support.

  • Automatic Updates in WordPress

    Automatic Updates in WordPress

    What are automatic updates in WordPress even? Forced updates? What about the UI? Here’s a full explainer.

  • Support Rotation

    At Automattic, after being hired, your first two weeks on the job is working with our Happiness teams to directly support customers. For engineers or designers, it gives you a taste of who we’re building this for. For other roles, it is a reminder that we’re all contributing toward the success of our customers in…

  • Genesis eNews Extended 2.2

    Genesis eNews Extended 2.2

    Genesis eNews Extended 2.2.0 adds new classes to aim in custom theming.

  • 1,000,000 Blocked Attempts

    1,000,000 Blocked Attempts

    Today, my site hit a milestone. Jetpack Protect has blocked 1,000,000 malicious login attempts. Typically, when using the wrong user name and password on the site, those credentials are sent to the site itself and you’ll see the site’s response that it was a bad password. Since a bunch of bots could try every combination,…

  • Emoji 13 Coming to WordPress

    Emoji 13 Coming to WordPress

    As of r48048-core, WordPress will polyfill Emoi 13 glyphs on devices that do not support them. What this means is whether or not your viewer’s device is able to display a ๐Ÿซ€ or not, you can include one on your WordPress site and it’ll display for them. You have stuff to do โ€” like feed…